Hey, I'm Tien Dat

Hey, I'm Tien Dat
Marketing intern
A creative college student looking for internship opportunities

About Me
My full name is Tran Tien Dat, but you can call me Alex. I’m a Vietnamese college student majoring in International Business at UEH University. An enthusiastic college student with a forward-thinking mindset. Eager to absorb insights from experienced professionals while infusing creative thinking into every project. Watch this video to know more.
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city (UEH)
International Business
Sep 2021 - Mar 2025
I love social activities especially VOLUNTEERING
I always have a thing with selflessness. However, this only really shaped who I am, and who I want to be when I first did a volunteering campaign in Long An during my freshman year of college. After that, fueled with the energy for volunteering, I packed my bags and went on another campaign in Vinh Long for 27 days instead of spending my summer vacation at home.

I love
Social Activities
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi
I always have a thing with selflessness. However, this only really shaped who I am, and who I want to be when I first did a volunteering campaign in Long An during my freshman year of college. After that, fueled with the energy for volunteering, I packed my bags and went on another campaign in Vinh Long for 27 days instead of spending my summer vacation at home.

These are some of the highlights
Hover your mouse over each title to see the image. Click to see the details
The "Talent Shapers" scholarship is given to top students who have shown leadership qualities, innovative-thinking mindsets and excellent performances both in accademic and extracurricular activities Ninety Eight Scholarship aims to: Creating opportunity for the next generation, Empowering talents with exceptional academic achievements, Forwarding Ninety Eight leadership qualities, Building the momentum for future.
The "UEH Young Researcher" Award is a UEH-level scientific research award held annually for students to promote and foster scientific research capacity, contributing to improving the quality of learning and selection of excellent projects representing UEH to participate in scientific research student awards at City, Ministry and National levels.
“QUY TAI TRO KHAT VONG TUONG LAI" belongs to Mirae Asset Financial Group, established in April 2022 under Decision No. 281/QD-BNV. In Vietnam,”Quy tai tro khat vong tuong lai” was established with the desire to bring a bright future and a good society through charity and investment programs for the young generation.
UEH Mentoring, a program developed specialized for UEH students, was established with the goal of assisting and motivating them in gaining useful insights into various industries, equipping them with practical skills for their personal and professional development. UEH Mentoring was initiated in 2016 by UEH Alumni & Your Study Support with the contribution of dedicated Mentors who hone the Mentee's strength and talent for continuous improvement throughout the program by sharing their professional knowledge, skills, experience and network.
• Honed the ability to think critically and solve problems from multiple perspectives • Able to articulate and express logical arguments with clear pronunciation in the English language • Worked in a team of 3 to strive for the delivery of results and understanding • Improved active listening skill to find the real cause of the problem
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